Postnatal Birth trauma is a normal reaction to a traumatic or a scary experience after childbirth caused after a long labour, an emergency caesarean or any other clinical complications to do with childbirth. If you have experienced a deep trauma after a bad childbirth experience, you might be suffering from postnatal Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder-PTSD.
Postpartum Birth trauma symptoms can start immediately after childbirth or after a delay of weeks or months, but they usually appear within 6 months of a traumatic birth experience. I can help you to deal with these intrusive thoughts during my training life coaching sessions
Many people feel grief-stricken, depressed, anxious, guilty and angry after a birth trauma experience. In my life coaching sessions I will use different techniques that will help you to make sense of your negative experience. Together we can meditate and accept the positive aspects of your experience. Postpartum Birth trauma symptoms are: FLASHBACKS & NIGHTMARES, AVOIDANCE & NUMBING, BEING "ON GUARD".
More about Real Healing book by Martha Jesty
Tokophobia: For women who have suffered birth trauma, the idea of getting pregnant again is terrifying, frightening and impossible even to consider it. Going through the whole ordeal again might make her feel sick with terror, even though deep down she wants to have another baby. But in spite of taking all the precautions some women find themselves pregnant again and for many of them abortion is not an option.
These women are suffering from Tokophobia, which is the fear of getting pregnant. There is Primary Tokophobia and Secondary Tokophobia. I will be able to help you during my Postnatal Birth Trauma Training in Surrey using a range of techniques to over come your fears.
More about Real Healing book by Martha Jesty
Vaginismus is vaginal tightness, finding it difficult or impossible to allow penetration during intercourse. They are painful spasmodic contractions of the vagina. Normally the vaginal sphincter keeps the vagina closed until the need to expand and relax. This relaxation allows intercourse, childbirth, medical examination and insertion of tampons.
However, when vaginismus occur, the sphincter goes into spasm, resulting in tightening of the vagina. With some women, vaginismus prevents all attempts at successful intercourse, which causes marked distress and/or interpersonal problems in addition to their birth trauma.
During the Postpartum Birth Trauma Training sessions in Surrey we will explore underlying issues and find many ways to cope with your simptoms.
More about Real Healing book by Martha Jesty
"I was so shocked when I read your birth experience in your book Real Healing, it was so similar to my own and every feeling you wrote down, I had too. It’s amazing, I felt like I was the only one who felt like this, but now I know I'm not. Your book was written from the heart, and it made me cry as it brought all the emotions and visions back to me, but it also felt good to know it was actually helping me, to know there were others like me.
Thanks again, your really helping me!”
"It's comforting to know that there are people like you Martha, speaking on behalf of all of these women suffering from Postnatal PTSD. I think, like me, there are probably so many women out there that are being told that it is just Postnatal depression, but in reality it is Postpartum PTSD. Thank you again!"
"I feel I can now face my experience knowing there are people out there like yourself who have been through similar experiences and who understand what I'm going through. Thank you for your time Martha."