Soy una persona autodidacta, multifacética británica-peruana, muy espiritual, energética y positiva que vive la vida al máximo y ve los problemas como una oportunidad para convertirse en una persona mejor. Tengo una pasión por ver a la gente libre de estrés, preocupaciones y traumas y traerles paz y gozo en las vidas de mis clientes. Soy bilingue españo-inglés autora del libro Sanidad Verdadera, escrito para mujeres que sufren de traumas posnatales.
Martha Jesty is member of the International Coach Federation, and the British Association of Christians in Psychology which was established to promote best practice and ensure that the highest possible standards are maintained in coaching and mentoring relationship. Martha Jesty is committed to functioning from a position of dignity, autonomy, personal responsibility and Christian values
"Martha Jesty is spiritual, empathetic and has a profound wisdom. The fact that she is a mother and therefore can relate to other women makes her unique. I believe that her life coaching service is invaluable. If I had discovered her counselling services long ago I think I would have been fully recovered by now."
"Martha Jesty has great listening skills; during our coaching sessions she was not judgmental, which was very important to me. She gave me space & a safe environment to talk and to cry. Martha understood my issues and what I felt. It was important to me to be able to talk to a professional Christian life coach and receive prayer and healing.”

"hablo al público de lo profundo de mi corazón… no les leo”
Como oradora motivacional, Martha Jesty deja una impresión profunda en todos aquellos que la escuchan ya que se conecta con cada oyente prestando atención a su lenguaje corporal. Martha Jesty tiene la habilidad de comunicar su punto de visa de acuerdo al tipo de audiencia que la escucha. Como oradora inspiracional, ella se ha dirigido a organizaciones de mujeres, red de negocios, iglesias y ha tenido varias entrevistas en la TV y en la radio del Reino Unido y Perú.

Martha Jesty tiene un fuerte sentido de motivación personal, energía, alegría y optimismo que transmite a todos los asistentes durante sus discursos.
Como oradora inspiradora con sede en Surrey, Martha proyecta su voz cuando transmite su mensaje fuerte y positivo en toda la sala, atrayendo a la audiencia en todo momento.
Martha Jesty, oradora inspiradora bilingüe español-inglés, se convirtió en oradora pública en su adolescencia como líder de la iglesia adolescente y luego como oradora internacional sobre el trastorno de estrés postraumático en la IV Conferencia mundial sobre el TEPT en Buenos Aires, Perú y América a través de la Sociedad Internacional para el Trastorno de Estrés Traumático. El público la ve como alguien con quien se pueden relacionar, ya que se conecta con cada individuo dentro de la multitud con su enfoque honesto y abierto. Martha Jesty habla desde el corazón entregando mensajes poderosos y grandes historias personales.

Tina Hughes, Stella & Dot
"I attended a Fabulous Women's networking meeting and Martha Jesty was one of the keynote inspirational speakers for the morning. Her story really moved me and I loved her talk as it was authentic and from the heart. She is so passionate about what she does and I would highly recommend Martha Jesty as a motivational speaker. She captured the audience with her beauty both inside and out. She engaged the audience and the exercise we did afterwards moved me to tears. Thank you Martha for your words of wisdom and all that you do for charity. I can't wait to work with you in the future. You are truly an inspiration!"
Reza Zolfagharifard, Founder – Bold Club
"As usual, Martha Jesty was lively, passionate and warm. She talked about her charity work and introduced the audience to the concept of giving selflessly. Sure enough, she inspired, lifted and moved the audience so fondly that the audience loved her and most made a small contribution towards her charity. I highly recommend Martha Jesty as a motivational speaker for all aspects of her professional work and am delighted that she is a member of our team."
Lynne Cantor, Stand Up and Speak
"Martha Jesty was the best speaker of the night at a network meeting recently as she had good energy, kept eye contact and kept engagement with the audience. She built and structured the speech well and the fact it was a personal story created a good connection."
Angela Belotti
"About your talk Martha, I was inspired by your high energy! I was very interested hearing about your experience and the support life coach service that you provide through your business to help women. You are a very inspiring woman!"
Alan D Bott FCCA, School Bursar
“Martha Jesty is a very warm and special person. She is academically well qualified but as importantly has learned much through the "university of life". She has known lots of good times but also has experienced many of life's challenges which enable her to communicate and empathize well with her audience. Martha Jesty is an engaging and inspiring speaker and someone that I am very happy to recommend.”